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  1. Now we’re cooking…by 1987 when “In My Tribe” was released chief songwriter and guitarist John Lombardo had left the band so songwriting duties fell onto singer Natalie Merchant and now principal guitarist Rob Buck, and what songs they wrote. This is the album where 10,000 Maniacs really found their voice.

    Buck and Merchant conjured up songs addressing child abuse, (il)literacy, alcoholism, the military-industrial complex and possibly the most joyous song yet written about your sisters wedding. Natalie Merchant’s voice absolutely soars throughout this record, all underpinned by Rob Bucks intricate and and equally rocking guitar parts.

    Opening song “What’s The Matter Here” tells the story of a child that is being beaten by it’s parents just next door; “Cherry Tree” tells of one persons difficulty with reading; “Don’t Talk” introduces us to a member of the band with a drinking problem and the toll it takes on the other members; “Gun Shy” is a lament to Natalie Merchant’s brother on her disappointment at him joining the military, but she will always love him; “A Campfire Song” features a guest appearance from Miss Natalie’s then beau (?) Michael Stipe and if upon first hearing “My Sister Rose” you do not want to immediately hit the dance floor then perhaps check your pulse.

    When originally released the album included a cover of Cat Stevens “Peace Train”. Following Yusuf Islam’s (aka Cat Stevens) support for the Fatwah issued upon Salmon Rushdie following the publication of “The Satanic Verses” the band asked that the song be removed from future issues of the album in order that Stevens/Islam no longer benefit financially from it. 

    It’s difficult to pick a standout song on this album as from the opener to the beautiful closing “Verdi Cries” there honestly isn’t a bad song here. If forced to choose we’ll go with “What’s The Matter Here” as it opens the record so well and sets the scene for what is to follow. Oh, and if you don’t know this album we’d be delighted if this little homage to it encouraged you to give it a listen.

    What’s The Matter Here - https://youtu.be/m39DWVFK-Bw

  2. My liking for the Maniacs has been covered in posts elsewhere in this Blog. “The Wishing Chair” (1985) is their second album and first on a major label. It features re-recordings of 3 songs that appeared on their previous album “Secrets Of The I Ching” (1983). 

    It wears its influences very much on its sleeves with obvious debts owed to Fairport Convention and Sandy Denny. The fact it was recorded in London and produced by Joe Boyd who had also worked with the Fairports, Denny and Nick Drake adds to the late 60’s/early 70’s folk-rock feel to the whole album.

    The standout song here is “Scorpio Rising” which is anything but folky in feel. It’s a galloping Indie-rock romp driven by Rob Bucks subtly distorted guitar riff. Elsewhere Natalie Merchant’s voice is the star of this show, from the growl on “Scorpio Rising” to the pureness she reaches on songs like “Lillydale” and “Grey Victory”.

    It’s a step up from their previous album and a good pointer to the heights they would reach on their follow up, “In My Tribe” (1987), but more of that later…

    Scorpio Rising - https://youtu.be/5uMdyKh_krc


  3. We've had this blog available here for a long aul time, almost 7 years in fact, and we are well aware that we have, on the whole, horribly neglected it. So, for 2023 we're setting ourselves a challenge inspired by something that we remember seeing online during the dark days of the lockdowns.

    We recall coming across a website where someone (and we can't remember the website or who that someone was) had committed to listening to their entire album collection, in alphabetical order (cos we all store our collections in alphabetical order, right ?) and then posting online a review of each album as they listened to it. 

    We're gonna do just that. This will ensure this blog gets used more than the pitiful attempts it's seen thusfar and will give me something positive to concentrate on for the rest of this year. Be forewarned, there will be no bad write ups, it's my collection and I don't buy records I don't like ! But hopefully a little forced positivity will be good for all of us.

    So this is your heads up that it's going to happen and we will begin (sometime) tomorrow with 10,000 Manicas "The Wishing Chair"...there, I'm committed to it now...