White Rabbit Records - Blog Archive

2023/4 Albums Thing 377 - First Aid Kit “Stay Gold”

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You may recall I’m something of an admirer of the angelically voiced Emmylou Harris. It came to my attention some months  ago that a duo known as First Aid Kit had released a song called “Emmylou”. I had a listen, liked it, made a mental note to look into them some more and promptly forgot to. Then one recent sunny Sunday afternoon in the pub (all the best things happen at the pub, right ?) one of our number was playing some tunes in the beer garden through a Bluetooth speaker when some voices and a tune caught my ear. On enquiring as to its source I was told it was First Aid Kit singing “My Silver Lining”. Remembering my previous mental note to discover more about them I went straight online and ordered this album on which said song  features as the all important track 1 side 1.

First Aid Kit are two singing sisters, Johanna and Klara Söderberg, who sing “Country” music. And so the clue to their unique selling point lies in their names, for Johanna and Klara are singing sisters from Sweden who sing “Country” music…I’ve put “Country” in quote markes as it’s Country Jim, but not as we know it, filtered through Swedish Folk and pop music and Country Rock. Their Dad, Benkt Söderberg, was a member of successful Swedish rock/pop group Lolita Pop, imagine Roxette but Swedish with song titles like “Tarzan On A Big Red Scooter” ! The sisters discovered Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons in their mid-teens and it had quite the effect on them both. They harmonise beautifully with voices that are harsher than the sweetness of Emmylou, it is however a beguiling sound their two voices create together.

“Stay Gold” was their 3rd album, originally released in 2014. It’s very much influenced by the Emmylou Harris of “Wrecking Ball” and “Red Dirt Girl”, it’s country music alright but this ain’t stories of Cowboys and Trucks and Rodeo’s. I guess it is what was known for a while as alt.country, the basics of the style are there with great harmony singing, lap steel guitars etc. but the lyrics mention New York and Chicago which really isn’t Country territory. Standout songs include the already mentioned “Silver Lining”, “Cedar Lane”, “The Bell” and “Waitress Song”. I promise I will now listen deeper into their releases (5 albums so far) so you might well encounter them on here again in the future.

My Silver Lining - https://youtu.be/DKL4X0PZz7M?si=kB3JqLjJDxdQH-JM

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