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2023/4 Albums Thing 381 - Television “Adventure”

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“Marquee Moon” was a genuinely groundbreaking record and because of that any follow up was going to sit meekly in its shadow. Thus is the case with “Adventure”, it’s not a bad album, it’s just not “Marquee Moon”. It was recorded in late 1977 and is a much less spiky and surprising record than its predecessor, much smoother around the edges, dare I say poppier ?

Opening song “Glory” is a great start. It has all the elements of Television, Verlaine’s rhythmic riff intertwining with Lloyd’s scatterbrained lead play but it’s all less urgent than before. 2nd song “Days” is, well it’s a ballad, which I wasn’t expecting. “Foxhole” lifts the intensity with its theme of a soldier in a foxhole supported by some crunching riffage and some of that “angular” playing that featured on “Marque Moon”, it’s probably the best song on the album.

Record company Elektra got right behind the album though (in the UK at least). Lead single “Foxhole” was released as a 12” with 4 different coloured sleeves (yellow, blue, green and red) and on Red vinyl along with the album (my copy is on red vinyl). But after finding little success following the release of “Adventure”, Television split up after a three night stand at The Bottom Line in NYC at the end of July 1978.

Foxhole - https://youtu.be/2IQCUc4rNN8?si=aqAZ4cEd-Y0a5x8e

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