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2023/4 Albums Thing 365 - Little Steven & The Disciples Of Soul “Men Without Women”

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Little Steven aka “Miami” Steve Van Zandt was/is again one of the guitar players in Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. He’s also Bruce’s main foil on stage these days and sings a lot of the backing vocals, which I’ve always found strange. Because as much as I love the character that is Little Steven, or “Miami” Steve, and appreciate his importance to Bruce and the E Street Band, with the best will in the world, he ain’t a very good singer! 

So I’ve always avoided these Little Steven albums, “then why, pray, do you own this one ?” I hear you ask. Well, I was in one of my biannual binges of “The Sopranos” (the greatest TV series ever made in which Steve plays Soprano family Consigliere Silvio Dante) when one of the songs in the soundtrack caught my ear. On further investigation it turned out the song was “Inside Of Me” from this very album. 

It’s a really good pastiche of a mid 60’s, Motown style Soul tune. Yeah OK, Steve really ain’t all that as a singer but I like the song, it has a Soprano’s connection and that’s all there is to it. I’m pretty sure I’ve listened to the rest of it at least once but couldn’t tell you a thing about it…the end.

Inside Of Me - https://youtu.be/vYXtaW3mhZ4?si=tjAZt9dlkXEpillY

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