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  1. Erica is a dear friend and as many of you will know she’s also the Fiddle player with The Wonder Stuff. This is her 3rd solo album and the first she’d released on vinyl which is why the other two aren’t here. The music Erica makes is very different from that of The Wonder Stuff. I wouldn’t know what to describe it as. It has something of the Gary Numan/Depeche Mode synth-rock about it but also Marilyn Manson and Type O Negative harder rock that was her teenage years. I guess the best way to describe it is as she herself does, Art Rock, think Roxy Music’s “In Every Dream Home A Heartache” (a song she recently covered) or some of Eno’s earlier songs but in a more contemporary setting and you’re not far off.

    The music can be stark and (I can finally use this word because thanx to Erica I think I understand it) ethereal, in a similar vein to the Cocteau Twins but more electronic. The recent single “Build Me A Ship” is a perfect example. The other song that sticks out, particularly after experiencing it live recently and hearing Erica dedicate it to her Niece, is “Making Friends With An Alien” in which I hear something of Kraftwerk. It’s also worth pointing out that the song “I Know” features contribution from the legend that is Jah Wobble.

    I’ll admit that, for me, what Erica does isn’t at times easy to listen to and that it has taken me a long time to “get” what she is doing.  But sometimes you need music that makes you think, that takes time to reveal itself to you and this album certainly does that.

    Build Me A Ship - https://youtu.be/CApIvuoKtDo?si=4eYucuMM4VQG_Veg

  2. For any serious record collectors that may be reading this, you can stop having hot flushes now, my copy of this is a re-issue. For those wondering what I’m talking about, the story goes like this.

    In the late ’60’s Billy Nicholls was a budding songwriter who was hired as a staff writer for Immediate Records by its owner Andrew Loog Oldham. Oldham was obsessed by the Beach Boys album “Pet Sounds” and tasked Billy with writing and recording a British response to it. That turned out to be “Would You Believe”. He used the musicians that were available to him at Immediate to make the record so this album features all of the Small Faces (Steve Marriott can be heard very prominently on the title track despite Oldham’s attempts to have him drowned out by an orchestra in the mix), legendary session guitarist Big Jim Sullivan (who played on 54 UK #1 singles), bass on some tracks by John Paul Jones (later to join Led Zeppelin), Drums by Jerry Shirley who was then in Immediate band the Apostolic Intervention but went on to join Marriott in Humble Pie, keyboards by Nicky Hopkins and who DIDN’T he play with (The Sones, The Kinks, The Beatles, The Who, and on and on and on)? That’s some lineup.

    And the music ? Well, add that band to the fact this was made in 1968 and you have yourself a mighty fine slab of prime breezy, British Psych-pop. You get blissed-out ballads (“Come Again”, “Feeling Easy”), Baroque pop (the title track and “Life Is Short”), straight ahead pop tunes (“Daytime Girl”), barely disguised drug references (“London Social Degree” one for the acronym spotters…it was the times) all with backing vocals that, in places, sound bizarrely like the Swingle Singers (if anyone remembers them).

    My personal favourite is “Girl From New York” a psyched-out paean to the girl who “came from New York in the summer”. It has proper nonsense lyrics about a day out at the zoo, how good their view was (!) and a fantastic Fuzz guitar (which may very well be played by Steve Marriott). It was the first song I heard by Billy Nicholls, on the expansive “Acid Drops, Spacedust & Flying Saucers” compilation, and it’s always been a big favourite with me.

    Due to Immediate’s financial difficulties “Would You Believe” was only ever pressed as a quantity of 100 promotional copies, it didn’t get a full release at the time. That and the musicians on it are why it is so sought after and why, in 2017, a Near Mint example of one of those 100 promotional copies sold for a shade over £8000. My copy is a 1998 re-issue, which still cost me 3 figures in trades to secure it. 

    Although this album was commissioned by Loog Oldham as a “British Pet Sounds”, rather controversially in most peoples view I’d guess, I’ll take this over “Pet Sounds” every time. After reading about it in numerous “Best Albums Ever…” lists I bought “Pet Sounds”, listened to it once and gave it to my Dad. As Loog Oldham said about it “It enhanced the drugs I was taking and made life eloquent and bearable” and as I don’t use drugs or need to alter my state to make life more bearable it’s hardly a surprise I didn’t get it. Billy’s record is so much more to my liking.

    Billy Nicholls went on to write many hits and, as a close friend of Pete Townshend, toured for a long time as The Who’s musical director and backing vocalist. Some of you reading this might be fans of his son Morgan, bass player with the Senseless Things and Vent 414. It’s a small world ay it ?

    Girl From New York - https://youtu.be/rX4rWl5bAN8?si=wE9t-N2sul2vh6h2

  3. Now then, I understand that New Order have fans as rabid in some ways as some other Mancunian bands I could mention and that this statement may set a few of them off but…I think all you really need by New Order is this compilation and maybe a copy of “Love Vigilantes”. There, I’ve said it.

    My preferred New Order period is the early days when they sounded like a better recorded Joy Division with a worse singer. On this album that would be side 1,  “Ceremony”(which does appear on Joy Division’s “Still” performed at their final gig in Birmingham), “Everything’s Gone Green” and “Temptation” which are quite superb. 

    Side 2 begins with what is, I suppose, New Order’s signature tune, the one everybody knows, “Blue Monday”. I like it if I hear it, it’s not something I’d reach for very often if at all.  In 1986 the band I worked for (you know who, right ?) we’re invited to open for New Order in Birmingham as their manager knew New Order’s notorious manager Rob Gretton (Happy Mondays were also on the bill, first time I came across them). As we walked into the venue through the foyer we could hear “Blue Monday” being “played” but not sung. When we got into the venue it was still booming out but…there was absolutely nobody on the stage. That kinda put me off them, knowing that so much of what they did wasn’t “played”.

    Later on this comp there is “True Faith” which I like and I’ve already expressed my liking for “Love Vigilantes”. Over the years I’ve met and really enjoyed being around Peter Hook. A few years ago we went to see him and his band The Light play a gargantuan Joy Division/New Order set in Wolverhampton. I gotta admit for the majority of the New Order part of the set I went into the bar in the next room. Which is why I offered at the start there that all you really need by New Order is this compilation and maybe a copy of “Love Vigilantes”. 

    So why do I even own it I can hear some of you ask ? Well a copy like this one, a UK 1st issue with the embossed sleeve, is quite the valuable item these days. This one came to me via the shop and has been, shall we say, partied. So I took it home for a good clean and some TLC and couldn’t bring myself to sell it for the pittance I’d get for it, so it stayed here with a few others at Russ’s benevolent home for misused LP’s, I get ‘em out and give ‘em a spin every now and again and we’re all very happy with the arrangement.

    Everything’s Gone Green - https://youtu.be/Aaf-eqg8dvo?si=56WtwdOuUrsu0dXZ